
Basic Features

From $0/mo/project

Major Features

Personalized Dashboard

Daily Targets

Daily Progress Capture

Subcontractor Management

Change Event Management

Progress Update in P6

Schedule Diagnosis

Weekly Progress Reports

Performance Analysis

Delay Analysis

Story Telling


Baseline Schedule  


Free Up To 10,0000 Activties 

Learn How To Impliment [Play] 


Standard Features

From $100/mo/project

Major Features

Personalized Dashboard

Daily Targets

Daily Progress Capture

Subcontractor Management

Change Event Management

Progress Update in P6

Schedule Diagnosis

Weekly Progress Reports

Performance Analysis

Delay Analysis

Story Telling

Micro Scheduling

Area Handover

Elevation Dashboard

Layout Monitor

Claim Management

Map Viewer


Baseline Schedule  

Location Breakdown  

Layout Drawings  


Learn How To Impliment [Play] 


Advanced Features

From $200/mo/project

Major Features

Personalized Dashboard

Daily Targets

Daily Progress Capture

Subcontractor Management

Change Event Management

Progress Update in P6

Schedule Diagnosis

Weekly Progress Reports

Performance Analysis

Delay Analysis

Story Telling

Micro Scheduling

Area Handover

Elevation Dashboard

Layout Monitor

Claim Management

Map Viewer

3D Viewer

4D Simulator

Predictive Analysis

Readiness Analysis


Baseline Schedule  

Location Breakdown  

Layout Drawings  


Learn How To Impliment [Play] 


Add-on Modules

From $300/mod/mon/project

Optional Modules

1. Snag Management

2. Health & Safety

3. MEP

4. MIS Dashboard

5. DLP Management

6. Procurement Management

7. Predictive Analysis

8. DMS

9. AI Chatbot

10. Preconstruction Management

11. Masterplan Management

12. Contract Miner

13. Claim Manager

14. Traffic Impact Analyzer

15. Facility Management

16. 4D Simulator

17. QA/QC System

18. Scaffold Manager

19. Logistics

20. Live Building Monitor

21. Closeout Manager

22. LIMS